Protein Structure Analysis

Analyzing the protein structure of your protein-of-interest can be advantageous in multiple ways. It can help you discover regions which are good candidates to interact with other proteins. It can help you discover new domains. It can help with identifying differences with homologuous proteins and a lot more.



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Lesson Slides Hands-on Time estimation
Protein Structure Analysis
01 Exploring the Protein Data Bank exercises
tutorial 30m
02 Visualize a structure
tutorial 1H
03 Compare Structures
tutorial 15M
04 Predicting the effect of a mutation on a protein structure
tutorial 30M
05 Predicting a protein structure - homology modelling
tutorial 30M
06 Protein-ligand interaction - from small molecule to protein
tutorial 30M


This material is maintained by:

Alexander Botzki

For any question related to this topic and the content, you can contact us at


This material was contributed to by:

Alexander Botzki , Joost Van Durme , Janick Mathys
