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10 Functions extra

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Extra exercises on functions

This chapter contains some extra exercises on functions. In the end, practice makes perfect…

hands_on Exercise 10.2.1

Download this matrix file (Matrix.txt) and save it in your directory. Then write a function to read a matrix file in this format, reorder the rows by the values in the given column, and printing out the result. The function should take as argument a file name and a column number.

solution Solution
def sortMatrixByColumn(fileName,columnNumber):
    # Read the tab-delimited file and store the values
    fin = open(fileName)
    lines = fin.readlines()
    # Convert the data from the file into a Python list
    matrix = []

    for matrixRow in lines:
        # Tab-delimited, so split line by \t - this will give a list of strings
        matrixColumns = matrixRow.rstrip().split("\t") 
        # Add a row to the matrix
        # Add the columns, but convert the strings from the file into a float
        for matrixValue in matrixColumns:
    # Now sort by column - but have to track the row number as well!
    selectedColumnValues = []
    for rowNumber in range(len(matrix)):
    # Now print out the new matrix - the column value is now not interesting
    # we want the row number!!
    for (columnValue,rowNumber) in selectedColumnValues:  
        columnValueStrings = []
        for value in matrix[rowNumber]:

hands_on Exercise 10.2.2

Modify the program to read in the TestFile.pdb file by using separate functions to

  1. get the title,
  2. dissect the information from the ATOM line and
  3. to calculate the distance to the reference distance

    solution Solution
    def getTitle(line,cols):
        # Gets the title
        title = line.replace(cols[0],'')
        title = title.strip()
        return ("The title is '%s'" % title)
    def getAtomInfo(cols):
        # Get relevant information from an ATOM line and convert to the right type
        atomSerial = int(cols[1])
        atomName = cols[2]
        residueNumber = int(cols[5])
        x = float(cols[6])
        y = float(cols[7])
        z = float(cols[8])
        return (atomSerial,atomName,residueNumber,x,y,z)
    def calculateDistance(coordinate1,coordinate2):
        # Calculate the distance between two 3 dimensional coordinates
        return ((coordinate1[0] - coordinate2[0]) ** 2 + (coordinate1[1] - coordinate2[1]) ** 2 + (coordinate1[2] - coordinate2[2]) ** 2 ) ** 0.5
    # Open the file
    fileHandle = open("data/TestFile.pdb")
    # Read all the lines in the file (as separated by a newline character), and store them in the lines list
    # Each element in this list corresponds to one line of the file!
    lines = fileHandle.readlines()
    # Close the file
    # Initialise some information
    searchCoordinate = (-8.7,-7.7,4.7)
    modelNumber = None
    # Loop over the lines, and do some basic string manipulations
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()  # Remove starting and trailing spaces/tabs/newlines
        # Only do something if it's not an empty line
        if line:
            cols = line.split()   # Split the line by white spaces; depending on the format this could be commas, ...
            # Print off the title
            if cols[0] == 'TITLE':
            # Track the model number
            elif cols[0] == 'MODEL':
                modelNumber = int(cols[1])
            # For atom lines, calculate the distance
            elif cols[0] == 'ATOM':
                (atomSerial,atomName,residueNumber,x,y,z) = getAtomInfo(cols)
                # Calculate the distance
                distance = calculateDistance((x,y,z),searchCoordinate)
                if distance < 2.0:
                    print("Model {}, residue {}, atom {} (serial {}) is {:.2f} away from reference.".format(modelNumber,residueNumber,atomName,atomSerial,distance))

Useful literature

Further information, including links to documentation and original publications, regarding the tools, analysis techniques and the interpretation of results described in this tutorial can be found here.

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